Coach Mark Tournament 2022

Our first tournament was organized on Labour day weekend 2022 by two coaches that Mark had hired for his own youth soccer club, and a group of players who’s lives he had touched in the soccer community.

The tournament had a great turn-out encompassing of eight soccer teams, mens & co-ed, from Brooklyn and New York.

Over $3500 was raised for Coach Mark’s soccer fund, to provide scholarships for youth players.

The event was documented on our social media account @coachmarksoccerfund . Huge thanks to our volunteers and sponsors @machastudio for sponsoring a team, @kentalehouse for our uniforms, and @lilianewyork for refreshments.

Get involved in next years event here

Coach Mark Soccer Fund

Funds raised will be distributed to young soccer players in the form of scholarships, to ease the high costs of playing with a local club. In honor of the late Mark Burzynski, a dedicated soccer coach, referee and player.

A New Soccer club founded by Mark’s assistant coaches


Coach Mark Tournament 2021